Source code for dkconfig.dkconfig

Basic usage
Most of the methods of ConfigParser
should be usable in a relatively obvious way, however, ``dkconfig`` tries to
give you some sane defaults to make your life easier, e.g. it will create
files/headers/keys that don't exist::

    /tst> ll
    /tst> dkconfig foo.ini set header key value
    /tst> cat foo.ini
    key = value

Sections can be added::

    /tst> dkconfig foo.ini add_section header2
    /tst> cat foo.ini
    key = value


re-adding them is a no-op (and doesn't throw an exception)::

    /tst> dkconfig foo.ini add_section header2
    /tst> cat foo.ini
    key = value


the values command pretty prints the keys and values::

    /tst> dkconfig foo.ini values
    key => value

the ``dos`` command will output the key/values as dos ``set`` commands::

    /tst> dkconfig foo.ini dos
    set "KEY=value"

from a batch file you would use it like this::

    dkconfig foo.ini dos > tmp.bat && call tmp.bat && del tmp.bat

the ``bash`` command does the same for bash, and you'll use it together with

    eval $(dkconfig foo.ini bash)

You can read values directly into dos variables in the regular way::

    > for /f "delims=" %a in ('dkconfig foo.ini get header key') do @set KEY=%a
    > echo %KEY%

Bash has a more sane syntax for this::

    bash$ export KEY=$(dkconfig foo.ini get header key)
    bash$ echo $KEY

The appropriate error returns are set if a key is missing::

    /tst> dkconfig foo.ini get header missing
    /tst> echo %ERRORLEVEL%

    /tst> dkconfig foo.ini get header key
    /tst> echo %ERRORLEVEL%
import argparse
import configparser
import glob
import inspect
import os
import re
import sys
import tempfile
from contextlib import contextmanager

from lockfile import LockFile

from ._version import __version__

def _is_items(lst):
    """Is ``lst`` an items list?
        res = list(lst)
        return False if any(len(item) != 2 for item in res) else res
    except (ValueError, TypeError):
        return False

def _is_iter(lst):
    """Is ``lst`` an iterator?
        return list(lst)
    except Exception:
        return False

[docs]def format_items(items): """Print items formatted in two columns. """ keylen = max(len(k) for k, v in items) for k, v in items: print(k.ljust(keylen), '=>', v)
[docs]def format_list(lst): """Print one item per line. """ for item in lst: print(item)
[docs]def format_result(val): """Pretty print val. """ if not val: return print("") if isinstance(val, (int, float, str)): return print(val) items = _is_items(val) if items: return format_items(items) lst = _is_iter(val) if lst: return format_list(lst) # mystery item print(val) # pragma: nocover return None
[docs]class Config(configparser.RawConfigParser): """CLI Interface to configparser. """ exit = 0 _meta_commands = ['help'] @property def commands(self): """Return all methods defined as self as a list. """ def _ismethod(m): return inspect.ismethod(getattr(self, m)) res = [] for n in dir(self): if n != 'commands' and not n.startswith('_') and _ismethod(n): res.append(n) return res
[docs] def help(self, cmdname=None): """List all commands, or help foo to get help on foo. """ cmds = self.commands if cmdname is None or cmdname not in cmds: return [' ' * 4 + cmd for cmd in cmds] firstline = inspect.getsourcelines(getattr(self, cmdname))[0][0] docstring = inspect.getdoc(getattr(self, cmdname)) return f''' {firstline.strip()} """ {docstring} """'''
[docs] def cat(self): """Output the contents to stdout. """ self.write(sys.stdout)
[docs] def read(self, fname, *args, **kw): # pylint:disable=arguments-differ open(fname, 'a+').close() # create file if it doesn't exist. return, fname, *args, **kw)
[docs] def add_section(self, section): """Silently accept existing sections. """ try: # super(Config, self).add_section(section) # ConfigParser is an old style class (can't use super) configparser.RawConfigParser.add_section(self, section) except configparser.DuplicateSectionError: pass
[docs] def get(self, section, option): # pylint:disable=arguments-differ """Get an option from a section (returns None if it can't find it). """ try: return configparser.RawConfigParser.get(self, section, option) except (configparser.NoSectionError, configparser.NoOptionError): self.exit = 1 return None
[docs] def set(self, section, option, value=None): """Set an option in a section (creates the section if it doesn't exist. """ if not self.has_section(section): self.add_section(section) return configparser.RawConfigParser.set(self, section, option, value)
[docs] def setlist(self, section, key, *lst): """Set a list value. """ if not self.has_section(section): self.add_section(section) listval = '\n'.join([str(item) for item in lst]) configparser.RawConfigParser.set(self, section, key, listval)
[docs] def values(self, *sections): # pylint:disable=arguments-differ """Return all values in the config file. """ res = [] sections = sections or self.sections() for sect in sections: res += self.items(sect) return res
[docs] def dos(self, *sections): """Return values as dos set statements. """ def convert_val(v): """Converts from ini-style paths to .bat-style paths. """ m = re.match(r'\w:(?:/[^/]*)*', v) if m: # it's a path return v.replace('/', '\\') return v return [f'set "{k.upper()}={convert_val(v)}"' for k, v in self.values(*sections)]
[docs] def bash(self, *sections): """Return values as bash export statements. """ return [f'export {k.upper()}="{v}"' for k, v in self.values(*sections)]
VAR_LOCK = '/var/lock'
[docs]def make_lock(fname, timeout=0): """Return a LockFile for `fname`, in an appropriate location. """ # Don't put the lock file next to the file to be locked, since that # filesystem might not be as functional as we need it to be lockbase = VAR_LOCK if os.path.exists(VAR_LOCK) else tempfile.gettempdir() lockdir = os.path.join(lockbase, 'dkconfig') try: os.makedirs(lockdir) except os.error: if not os.path.exists(lockdir): lockdir = lockbase # pragma: nocover lock_fname = os.path.join(lockdir, os.path.basename(fname)) return LockFile(lock_fname, timeout=timeout)
[docs]@contextmanager def parser(fname): """Context manager that provides locking semantics. """ cp = Config() with make_lock(fname, timeout=7): try: except OSError as e: # file not found: errno == 2 (it will be created below) if e.errno != 2: raise yield cp cp.write(open(fname, 'w'))
[docs]def run(cmdline=None): """`run()` is the most convenient entry point for usage as a Python library:: import dkconfig txt ='foo.ini values') val ='foo.ini get key') `run` does not call `sys.exit`. The commands can be meta-commands (commands about dkconfig, not an ini file).:: dkconfig meta-command [args*] --flags e.g.:: dkconfig help dkconfig help cmd dkconfig [glob/filename] cmd args* [--flags] i.e. dkconfig followed by a glob matchine one or more ini files, followed by a command and arguments to the command as specified in the docs (and any flags). .. TODO:: dkconfig should also be able to take file names from stdin :: <other-prog> | dkconfig cmd args* [--flags] this would let you quickly access common properties, e.g.:: $ find . -maxdepth 2 -name "*.ini" -print | dkconfig - get site dns ... """ string_cmdline = isinstance(cmdline, str) params = cmdline.split() if string_cmdline else sys.argv[1:] p = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Command line interface to ConfigParser" ) p.add_argument('filename', nargs='?') p.add_argument('command') p.add_argument('--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s ' + __version__) p.add_argument('-d', '--debug', action='store_true') args, unparsed = p.parse_known_args(params) if args.filename: # expand globs, but be careful so we can still create new files. # Namespace(filename='*.ini', ...) # Namespace(filename='foo.ini', ...) # Namespace(filename='does-not-exist.ini', ...) args.filename = glob.glob(args.filename) or [args.filename] available_commands = Config().commands if not args.filename and args.command not in available_commands: # Namespace(filename=None, command='foo.ini') args.filename = [args.command] args.command = 'cat' if args.filename == ['help']: # Namespace(filename=['help'], command='values') args.filename = [] unparsed.insert(0, args.command) args.command = 'help' assert args.command in available_commands if args.debug: print("ARGS:", args, unparsed, file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(0) def parse_kwarg(txt): """Parse command line flags. """ m = re.match(r'--?(?P<key>\w+)(:=(?P<val>.*))', txt) if m: g = m.groupdict() return g['key'], g['val'] return None def call_config(cp): """Call config command specified in args.command. """ try: cmd = getattr(cp, args.command) except Exception: # pragma: nocover print('error:', cp, args) raise remaining_opts = [param for param in unparsed if param.startswith('-')] pos_opts = [param for param in unparsed if not param.startswith('-')] for item in [parse_kwarg(opt) for opt in remaining_opts]: if item: pos_opts += item res = cmd(*pos_opts) format_result(res) return cp.exit if not args.filename: return call_config(Config()) retcode = 0 for fname in args.filename: with parser(fname) as p: retcode += call_config(p) return retcode > 0
[docs]def main(cmdline=None): """`main()` is the entry point for the dkconfig command line tool. """ retcode = run(cmdline) sys.exit(retcode)
if __name__ == "__main__": # pragma: nocover main(sys.argv[1:])