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dkconfig – command line access to ConfigParser

Installing from PyPI

pip install dkconfig

Basic usage

Most of the methods of ConfigParser ( should be usable in a relatively obvious way, however, dkconfig tries to give you some sane defaults to make your life easier, e.g. it will create files/headers/keys that don’t exist:

/tst> ll
/tst> dkconfig foo.ini set header key value
/tst> cat foo.ini
key = value

Sections can be added:

/tst> dkconfig foo.ini add_section header2
/tst> cat foo.ini
key = value


re-adding them is a no-op (and doesn’t throw an exception):

/tst> dkconfig foo.ini add_section header2
/tst> cat foo.ini
key = value


the values command pretty prints the keys and values:

/tst> dkconfig foo.ini values
key => value

the dos command will output the key/values as dos set commands:

/tst> dkconfig foo.ini dos
set "KEY=value"

from a batch file you would use it like this:

dkconfig foo.ini dos > tmp.bat && call tmp.bat && del tmp.bat

the bash command does the same for bash, and you’ll use it together with eval:

eval $(dkconfig foo.ini bash)

You can read values directly into dos variables in the regular way:

> for /f "delims=" %a in ('dkconfig foo.ini get header key') do @set KEY=%a
> echo %KEY%

Bash has a more sane syntax for this:

bash$ export KEY=$(dkconfig foo.ini get header key)
bash$ echo $KEY

The appropriate error returns are set if a key is missing:

/tst> dkconfig foo.ini get header missing
/tst> echo %ERRORLEVEL%

/tst> dkconfig foo.ini get header key
/tst> echo %ERRORLEVEL%


Indices and tables